Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tea and Fish

Since little Wonder Girl's birthday she has been playing about everyday with a tea set that was given her.  She has managed to get almost everyone in the family to play with her.  Which has been great way to introduce manners to her and her older brother.  

As you can see in our of the pictures on of the things on the menu at her tea party one day was fish.  Not to tea but to drink.  I took the chance to teach some colors with her.  She had a good time and didn't even realized that she was learning.  

Tea and Fish

Play learning
Even Daddy and brother got into playing

Later on during that week she decided to go our side and try fishing in a mud puddle in our yard.  I don't think she caught anything.  Which was good cause it meant that I didn't have earthworms coming in the house that day.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Adventures with an Orange

So yes I have my weird and odd moments like everyone else and this is one of them.  Lately my kids have been on an orange eating kick.  That and the fact that they are in season right now.  

Well one day I was playing around with my Wonder-girl daughter and this is what cam out of it.  My odd and silly Orange.

This is Mr. Happy.  He is happy. 

But he's not always happy there are days his is very sad.

But today he is happy.
The end.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Its All Roman To US

The last few weeks we have been working our way through Ancient Rome.  Which means we will be finishing up our school year soon.  Here are a few pictures of some of our projects that we did.

Toga Party! Well not really, just dressing up.
Our roman sandels. 
A picture of just the sandels. They didn't last long but the kids loved playing with them.

Walking through the Wild

It was a cool and sunny day in Febuary when my husband and a group of men from our church went into the wild of TN for a weekend hiking trip.  The weather was great considering it was snowing just a few days before they had left for there trip.

It was group of 16 men of varies ages from a 17 year old teenager to one of our elders in the church.  They would hiked for a 5 miles, camped and hiked more.  From the stories and the pictures they seem to have a great time.  Here are a few pictures of there trip.

The stone stairs that they hiked through.

Inside a cave, behind a frozen waterfall.

Not sure where this is, but they had a good time.

My husband will be doing another camping/rocking trip later this month.  Actually he is planning on do something like this once a month.