Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Feeding the Birds

Yesterday we did an activity that we have been meaning to do for a few months now.  making a bird feeder.  I had picked up some corn cobs last fall while we went through a corn maze.  Back then I knew that I wanted to do something with them, but could figure out an activity that I knew we'd like to do with them.  It was my husband that came up with the idea.  

Spider-Dad: "Why not make bird feeders?"
Me: "Brilliant!"

Okay that's not really what happen but close.  So how did I come up with this?  Well i took the idea from one I remembering doing once with some preschool kids, when I taught preschool.  So here is how we made our bird feeders (that are enviormental safe).

  • Dry corn cob (1 per feeder)
  • Peanutbutter (We used soy butter)
  • Bird seeds
  • String
  • Plate
  • Plastic Knife

1) Tight String on larger end of the cob.

2) Spread peanutbutter on cob.

3)  On a plate put some bird seeds.

4)  Roll cob in bird seeds.

5)  Then hang.

With the unused seed that are left on the plate you can feed the birds that are around with.  We did this with most of the rest of ours.  Hand full of some of the seeds were eaten by Baby hulk.  He manged to get a hold of them while we were hanging the bird feeders and I was taking pictures.  

I had to include some pictures of him eating the seeds...

 ...and trying to throw birds seeds.

I like how you can see seed on his face.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2010-2011

After two years of homeschooling under my belt I finally am getting a hand of everything.  I've learned that our homeschooling style is a mix of Charlotte Mason (heavy on this) and classical.   For those that don't know of Charlotte Mason check out her book "Home Education".  This next coming year will be adding Wonder Girl to our homeschooling schedule.  

I am very excited about staring this years homeschooling journey.  Why?  I'm sure you are asking.  Well cause we have changed our history curriculum and I don't have to do any added planning for crafts.  Which in our house is a must for learning.  So here is a look at this coming 2010-2011 year.

Language Arts~ Dare Devil Boy had been going through Explode the Code 4 during the summer.  But for Second Grade he will be using WinterPromise's 1st Grade Language Arts . (It is considered an advance program. So it says 1st grade, but really it is for a 2nd grader.)  I like these kind of programs cause they cover most of the subjects found under Language Arts.  Spelling, Phonics, Writing, and Grammar.  Although for some add grammar practice we are adding Spectrum Language Arts for 2nd Grade.

For Wonder Girl I will be using using a mix of Totally Tots and some things that I will creating to teach her to alphabets, numbers, math, and everything else to get her ready for kindergarten the fallowing year.

Math~ This year we have changed math curriculum from Horizon Math to Singapore Math 2A/B for Dare Devil Boy's core math curriculum.  We had been using Singapore math 1A/B through out the summer as review.  He enjoyed it so much that he actually asked to change to this program for the next year.  

We are going to be using this program this year until Dare Devil is old enough to do Teaching Textbooks as his main math program. 

History~  This is the "core" of what we will be learning this school year with both Dare Devil Boy & Wonder Girl.  (Baby Hulk might ne joining in but we will see.)  Like I stated above we changed our core program this year from Sonlight to WinterPromise.  Our journey will be into Early American History using Winterpromise's American Story 1.

The living books are great.  Beautiful pictures, great stories, more fun to read then the normal textbooks and all age appropriate.  Added to the great living books and literature is the paper crafts, mapping, web links, and hands on crafts all scheduled and added into it.  Which means NO planning and searching for me.  YEAH!!!  I just pick what projects to do and gather supplies (that I have been doing through the summer).  

Science~  for Science this year we are staying with something that works so far, Sonlight's Science 2.  This year we will be learning how things are made, rocks & mineral, more plants, animals, babies, and dinosaurs.

Handwriting~ Dare Devil Boy will be sticking with A Reason for Handwriting.  We used this last year and he enjoyed it.  This year he'll be using Level B.  As for Wonder Girl, we will be trying something different, Handwriting without Tears PreK.

Bible~ Dare Devil Boy and Wonder Girl will be both in AWANAS again this year, learning verses and other bible stories.  I actually teach Dare Devil Boy's AWANAS Sparks class so he get's more then most kids and lots of review.  But I use lots of the AWANAS printables made from Homeschool Creations.  Also we are using the built in Bible program that is included in our American Story 1 curriculum.

Independent Readers~ Dare Devil Boy's Readers are books that go along with his american history program.  But all are appropriate to his reading level.  Many of the books are from Step into Reading.  With a few extra books that he like to read.  The occasional comic books.

PE~  PE is usually done with Spider Dad.  Now that he's more at home during the day and works at night, the kids get more time outside.  

Art~  Lots of projects and crafts.  And I'm still looking for a good art & art history program.  I teach art to my kids and a friend's children every two weeks.  I'm looking for something that will go along with our American History.

Mapping~ To go along with our study of Early American history, we are going to do a mini states studies.  Also mapping those states and the events that happened in them.  Dare Devil Boy loves mapping.  So this should end up being one of his favorite things.

Extra Stuff~  Can there really be more stuff to do?  Yes.  I'm going to mostly add in toys to our program.  My kids, even more Dare Devil Boy, are hands on learners.  So I'm adding in some army men, Playmobil Ameicans, cowboys and things like this.  Also we are going doing our lapbooks & coloring pages.  

Then hopefully by next summer we will be able to end our study with a feild/road trip to some of those places we'll cover.  Spider Dad is originally from the New England Area and his parent's live within an hour or so of many of those places.  So when we go to visit his family next summer I'm planning on taking some feild trips to Boston, Lexington, Concord, and a few places in his hometown.

So as you can see this next coming school year is full of fun and learning.  Check in and see how are everything goes this year.  I'm hoping to be posting more about what we are doing.

Summer Fun

This is a quick note on some of the things we've done this summer.  Most are of the kids and Super Dad's time out side playing army, a few of the kids Father's day gift to Super Dad, some just fun pictures.

Hunting down bad guys in the backyard

 Running for cover in the "Jungle" aka the tail grass in the back.

 Waiting for the attack.

Baby Hulk reporting in on the bad guys.

 Hand print sun catchers

 Baby Hulk doing his best to do a craft.  He had a great time.

Dare Devil Boy and Wonder Girl making doing their craft

A photo of how they came out