Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine Brithday

Today was my daughter's 4th birthday. I couldn't believe that she was that old and I began to wonder where the time went.  But all those years so far were great and I won't trade them for the world.  

Today was a small but lively party for my little Wonder-Girl.  I think that the adults and teenagers out numbered the kids.  We keep things simple for the party.  The kids played Candy Land, Memory, a fishing game and other simple kids games.  They really did spend hours playing, not really quietly, those games and for the most of the time without fighting with each others.  At some point in the party a sword fight battle broke out.  Not to sure who won.  But they all had fun and no one got hurt.

The theme, if you can call it a theme, of the party was centered around those tiny Valentine heart candies.  Why? I know you're asking this question...and the answer is this:  my daughter came running up to me and told me, "I want a PINK heart cake for my birthday."  A pink heart cake is what she got. 

Since it was a heart and at the time of her telling this I was looking at those tiny heart candies, figured that it was the best thing for her.  You see normally over the last 4 years I've tried to stay away from the Valentines theme for her birthday.  Mostly cause its so easy to find all those things around and I didn't want her to get sick of theme.  Also its hard to plan a party around that time of the year cause most people don't come.  Usually cause its Valentine's Weekend and the kid's parents are doing something for that day.  

But today was different.  We had a great time with friends and kids.  My daughter enjoyed all the presents from her friends and my our family and so did the other kids.  As you can see my Hulk baby went round the party with fairy wings for a while before Daddy realized that he was wearing them.  Someone, okay mainly me, put them on him.  But he was so cute and he thought he was a bird when I put them on him that I couldn't help myself. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Time Traveling to Anceint Greece with Dare Devil

We are have been catching up on some school this week.  Everyone has gotten some kind of cold last week.  Mostly all stuffy noses for everyone in our house.  So we worked on knocking out two weeks of school into one.  Which is as hard as one might think.  It helped that it was something that was interesting.

Well while we where learning about Greek columns and about the war between the 25 year war between Athens and Sparta.  My son played with a Dare Devil Doll Action Figure during that whole time.  

We started to do our projects for few that goes along with our history lessons, Dare devil stayed faithfully with us.  Learning just as much history as we were.  Well after my son had made his own greek columns he insisted that Dare Devil take a picture with his projects.  To show that he traveled to Greece.  

Also there was a quick picture of a Greek Soldier that was taken who was wondering what we we doing. 

In our tour to anceint greece we even managed to take in a small theater show.  Where the actors where both my son and his sister.

Pirates on the Table

A few weeks ago my mom sent some late Christmas presents to us.  There were several different gifts, but of all that where there the most famous was a Playmobil Pirate ship and a Little People doll.  

After opening the gifts it was hard to keep the kids on doing school.  They wanted to play with their new gifts.  here are a few pictures of the gifts.

Dare Devil Boy (DD) named the pirates, Capt. Jack Mate & Capt. Sparrow. 

A bit blurry, but a picture of the treasure chest with the compass in it.  I decided not to open the bag with the tiny treasure coins.  They would spend most of their life sprinkled all around the house and not in the treasure chest.