It took Baby Hulk a bit to warm up to the idea of the pool since his last encounter with the sprinkler. But as soon as he did I couldn't get him out of it. He spent most of the time throwing all the toys around our yard into the pool making varies size splashes and soaking either Wonder Girl or Dare Devil Boy.
My Dare Devil Boy played in the pool with his siblings, but at some point he decided to shed the Dare Devil identity and put on a cape (aka towel). Then began running or flying around our yard. he even made an attempt at flying off the slide.
All in all it was a nice warm, hot spring day. It makes me wonder though what will our summer be like since spring days are at 90 degrees? Well until then we are going to enjoy the weather.
Baby Hulk & Dare Devil in the pool
Baby Hulk after throwing a beach ball in the pool
Dare Devil Boy being Super Boy for the day.
Flying as high as a slide at least.