Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Brave New World

Last week we learned mostly about Christopher Columbus.  How he thought that he was in sailing to China, his ships and everything else.  It was an informative lesson about the founding of the New World.  

Along with our regular books I added in Draw Write Now books.  We've never really used this series before, but so far Dare-Devil Boy is liking it.  What we've liked about it is that it has stepped by stepped instructions on how to draw the picture.  This has made it easier for Dare-Devil Boy to draw.

Mapping Columbus's Journey
Dare-Devil Boy's Columbus Lapbook

Dare-Devil Boy's pictures that he drew this week using Draw Write Now.
Columbus as a boy.

A Map of the World

Columbus's ships.

B is for Boat

I never got a chance last week to post about what Wonder Girl has been learning.  After a weird week we just finished up learning the letter "B", before we moved on the letter "C".  So here is  small look at what we did.

The pieces to make our "little b" Boat

 Smiling boat
Putting it together
The boat together.
A little handwriting work too.