Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cooking Cookies with Sissy

Every year we make cookies with one of our closes family friends.  The cookies we make are not always the same every year but my kids have looked forward every year to making them.  This year was no different.

 P.S. (I've decided to change the name I normally use for everyone.  It was easier to remember and type.)

This years cooking experience was rather messier then normal, but the most fun the kids have had yet. 
 Sissy and Hondo rolling out the cookie dough.

 Cutting out the cookies.

 All the kids making cookies. 

Love this picture simple because he got flour just in that one spot on his hair.

 Kakes was really into making her cookies.

 Hondo thought that Sissy needed a flour make over.

Later on they had a flour fight and this is how he ended up looking.

 Sissy didn't come out as clean.  She lost the flour fight cause all the kids joined in to help Hondo.

 A friend stopped by later and help ice all the cookies.

Hondo loved the eating part the best.

In the end we made a good amount of cookies to give away.  The hardest part was trying to keep Hondo from eating the cookies and frosting once we were doing decorating the cookies.  He managed to seek a few while everyone was busy decorating.  But in the end they had fun and that's what mattered.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Snow Day

I know that it has been a while since I last posted anything, and I am sorry.  But I'm sure that you all understand how busy life gets.  Even though I didn't managed to find the time to sit and post anything;  I did manage to take pictures of the things we did do.  

One of the many things we did was play in the snow.  Although for most of you that live in the part of the world in which you get snow during these months it doesn't seem like anything out of the normal.  But for us (where we live) it has been unusual to have snow like this until later in the month or in January.  Most of the time we just get freezing rain and ice.

So it was to our surprise that on Thanksgiving we got a good few inches of snow.  Then just last week we got another good dumping of snow.  Which made a great excuse for all the kids to put on their coats, gloves, and hats and head outside for a romp in the snow.  All after a sometime doing school.  Yes, we still have school when there are snow days, but it isn't as full a schedule then we normally do.

So here is how "our snow day" went.
There is Wonder Girl gathering up snow.

 Dare-Devil Boy rolling in snow.

 Snow Angel

Taking a romp in the snow.

 She told me later she was gathering snow to make a sled out of our wagon.

Ipad Giveaway at Frugal Family Fun

If you want to get a chance to win a free Ipad, head on over to Frugal Family Fun.

Go to Frugal Family Fun Blog to enter to win an iPad and an assortment of children’s books courtesy of Target!