P.S. (I've decided to change the name I normally use for everyone. It was easier to remember and type.)
This years cooking experience was rather messier then normal, but the most fun the kids have had yet.
Sissy and Hondo rolling out the cookie dough.
Cutting out the cookies.
All the kids making cookies.
Love this picture simple because he got flour just in that one spot on his hair.
Kakes was really into making her cookies.
Hondo thought that Sissy needed a flour make over.
Later on they had a flour fight and this is how he ended up looking.
Sissy didn't come out as clean. She lost the flour fight cause all the kids joined in to help Hondo.
A friend stopped by later and help ice all the cookies.
Hondo loved the eating part the best.
In the end we made a good amount of cookies to give away. The hardest part was trying to keep Hondo from eating the cookies and frosting once we were doing decorating the cookies. He managed to seek a few while everyone was busy decorating. But in the end they had fun and that's what mattered.