What do you think of when you hear the wild west? Those are a few of the things we learned about in our final section of our study through the early part of American History. This was a very brief unit but has become one of our favorite parts so far. We will pick up more on this unit when we do some review next year when we pick up learning about the rest of American History (Pre-Civil War to present).
Here are all the books and extra things we used to make it more fun. (I'm going to add a bunch more things when we cover it again next year.)
Notebook pages & Lapbook:
We didn't do much lapbooking or notebooking because I just didn't have much time. But you can get some lapbook parts from Homeschoolshare.
- My friend at Butterflies & Barefoot Lasses has a unit on Cowboys.
- Gold Rush game.
- By the Great Horn Spoon website to go along with the book.
- WayBack Gold Rush
- Gold Rush California's Untold Stories
- Strike It Rich! (game) My kids like this one.
- Oregon Trail game. Its the game I played as a kids but updated. If you have a Facebook account you can play it for free.
We've been Watching through this series on Netflix. Its great and my kid's love it. Dare-Devil Boy has been become intersted in Wild Bill Hickok and Buffalo Bill since we've started watching it. I've posted just the first part of the first episode of the first season. There are 5 parts to this episode.
There is 5 parts to this series. I'm posting just the first.
Clip from America:The Story of US
Pecos Bill Cartoon:
There are lots of other books, videos, projects, websites and other things to do for this unit. But I'm saving it for next year when we do a short review unit on the west. I hope you all enjoy the stuff I've added for this unit.