Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wild Wild West and the Young Riders

Gold Rush!  Cowboys & Indians! Outlaws! 

What do you think of when you hear the wild west?  Those are a few of the things we learned about in our final section of our study through the early part of American History.  This was a very brief unit but has become one of our favorite parts so far.  We will pick up more on this unit when we do some review next year when we pick up learning about the rest of American History (Pre-Civil War to present).

Here are all the books and extra things we used to make it more fun.  (I'm going to add a bunch more things when we cover it again next year.)


Notebook pages & Lapbook:
We didn't do much lapbooking or notebooking because I just didn't have much time.  But you can get some lapbook parts from Homeschoolshare.



We've been Watching through this series on Netflix.  Its great and my kid's love it.  Dare-Devil Boy has been become intersted in Wild Bill Hickok and Buffalo Bill since we've started watching it.  I've posted just the first part of the first episode of the first season.  There are 5 parts to this episode.

There is 5 parts to this series.  I'm posting just the first.

Clip from America:The Story of US

Pecos Bill Cartoon:

There are lots of other books, videos, projects, websites and other things to do for this unit.  But I'm saving it for next year when we do a short review unit on the west.  I hope you all enjoy the stuff I've added for this unit.

Custom House Muesum

The Grocery Store Section
Over Mother's Day weekend my sister-in law came for a visit.  My kids were excited to say the very least.  We don't get to see either side of my family or my husband's family to much.  Main because both of them live so far away from us.  My husband's family in New England and my family in Hawaii.  So it tends to be a huge deal when someone visits us.

The kids stayed every night at the hotel with my sister-in law and we spent with her and the kids.  One of the things we did was visit our local museum.  The best part or the part that the kids loved most was a play grocery store in the kid's section of the museum.  There they played with there Auntie.  They took turns shopping, checking out and even trying to cook in the little play kitchen they had set up.  
Wonder Girl Weighting all the thing she can.
Dare-Devil Boy ringing up Aunty's things.
Trying to figure out how the register works.
Wonder Girl calling for a price check.

DD: What button do I push?

Hondo stocking the shelves.
Another part of the museum they tried there hand at some science stuff.  Not really sure what it was, but I know it had to do with force and timing. Then there was a small play house that was set up.  That the kids played in for sometime.  Really they never wanted to leave that part.  They asked my husband later he could build a whole play grocery and play house for them. He told them when we get a bigger house then maybe.

Here is my husband and Hondo trying to work one of the science experiments things they had there.
This was the thing they were trying to do.  The little blurry white thing is a ball rolling by.

Wonder Girl playing house.
A little pretend house.
Wonder Girl is pretending to be a doctor. Yes, that's a tool box.
Dare-Devil Boy was taking a hand at playing the piano.  It didn't go to well.
Well that was out trip to the museum.  There was a part with a old pioneer cabin too. But I didn't get pictures cause it was to dark.  That part was also interesting because we had just finished our unit on the pioneering and reading through Little House on the Prairie.  In the cabin they had a loom, spinning wheel and other things that just finished learning about.
