There is so much to do throughout our school week that sometimes I just don't get a chance to do everything. So to help out I introduced "Daddy School". Which has bee a great deal of help.
The simple idea of Daddy School is a simple at a glance paper that tells my husband what we are covering this week in our school. It tells what each child is learning, projects that he can do with them, the bible verses that they need to learn each week, spelling words, and even if he wants to teach science that week what he can do.
Its been a great tool and help in teaching. Spider-Dad will test Dare-Devil Boy on his spelling words when they are outside playing or ask him to multiply. He will review whatever letter I am doing with Wonder Girl. Mostly its when they are hunting in the yard for bugs. Asking her if she can name animals or insects that start with that letter. Or counting the leaves that they find.
In short its been the best addition to out homeschooling. I've included a copy of one week of our Daddy School week.
Daddy School
This is a great idea for everyone. You get some relief, Dad gets to be involved, kids get more daddy time. Bingo!