Thursday, October 20, 2011

Under Contruction

Well if you have been poking around her lately I've been updating my blog here as I have the time and figure out more how to use it.  I've trying to making it easier to navigate through.  Also hoping to make it less cluttered by everything.  

A few things I'm doing are:
  • Cleaning up the Homeschool Printable page. Instead of having a huge long list of things I've made as the years go on. I'm listing things by subjects.  This way each subject has its own page of printables you can look through.
  • I'm also hoping to do this with the History Extras page.  
  • There are a few other ideas I have.  
 So please be patient with me as I try to work on this.  Thank!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Covered Wagon

This year we are took a trip back to the Wild West.  Most of it was a review of what we learned last year, but we managed to learn some new things. One thing we did this year, that we didn't do last year was make a covered wagon.  

Last year I bought WinterPromise's Early American Trades & Crafts Kit.  This kit has lot of different craft kits that are already pre-made for you.  One of the crafts was to make a Covered Wagon.  We never did it last year, but this year Dare-Devil Boy really wanted to make one.  

So I went searching for the kit and pulled it out to make.  My husband did the main building.

Dare-Devil Boy paint the covered wagon.  

With the help of Wonder Girl

And I had the task of hand sewing the cover onto the wagon. Which took a lot longer then I thought.  There is the final product.  Hondo wanted to get in to the picture.

Not sure what to do with it now.  My husband plans on making it into a lamp.  But as for now it'll be sitting up a high shelf so it doesn't get broken.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Civil War Unit-War Between the States

We finished our first 6 weeks as we continue our study of American History.  We have gone back to WinterPromise using their American Story 2.  We just finished our study of the Civil War and the Underground Railroad. Which was a instant hit with everyone.  Here are some of the things we added to our Civil War study.  These are just a few things of we added. 

If you want a more full schedule then you can download it here.  It is only of the first 6 weeks that covers Civil War for now. But it has all the videos, books, coloring pages and other things I added for Civil War.

Here are just some of what we added for you to preview.

Books we used:

Some of the Videos:

There are 6 videos for this.  Here is the first one.

Lapbook & Notebook Pages 

You can find the link to the lapbook/notebook i made here: Last Safe House
Here is how it looked like when completed.

Civil War Lapbook I added.  I added lots more and you can find all of it in the schedule I made.  The link is up above.


Confederate Flag

Biscuit & Gravy with Strawberries
(Civil War time period meal) 

Two Layer Cake with Strawberry filling
(another Civil War time period meal) 

Fort Sumter Flag

Making Homemade wrapping paper

Well I hope you enjoyed all the added things we did.  The schedule I created I'm sure can be used for about any other American history curriculum, but it was made to be used as an add on for WinterPromise's American Story 2.