I looked over books, searched the web to see what other have done and then finally found something that I like. I needed something that was pre-made for me. I really didn't want to make my own curriculum from scratch. Also I needed something cheap and easy to use. After all my looking I found Harmony Art Mom's Art & Music Appreciation: Vincent Van Gogh & George Handel.
It a summer program but I decided to stretch it out over the school months. Focusing on one painting for 3 weeks and then a week of learning about George Handel. Then repeating the rotation until we have done all the paints included in the study.
This month we are highlighting the painting "Bedroom In Arles". One of my favorite paintings that Van Gogh did. Here is what we did this month.
Dare-Devil Boy and Wonder Girl coloring a coloring sheet of the painting. Dare-Devil Boy's coloring sheet is at the top of the page.
Wonder Girl's own coloring.
They drew out there own watercolor version of the paintings. First drawing it out with pencil and the coloring over with watercolors.
Dare-Devil Boy's creation. It looks great and is pretty good copy of it.
Wonder Girl did her own version of the famous painting. A bit more abstract i think.
Over all our fist time doing an are study and it goes well and they enjoyed it. Dare-Devil Boy can't wait to learn more.