Friday, August 5, 2011

Time with Mom

I like to take my one of my kids shopping with me when I go out.  I don't always like taking all three of them.  If you have ever gone shopping with more then 2 kids life can be crazy.  Most of the time i spend in the store consists of, "Mom can I have (fill in the blank)."  or me saying, "Don't touch that." or "No you can have that."  By the end of the shopping trip (which is normally buy grocery) I'm tired, the kids are tired, and all I want to do is put everyone down for a nap when I get home.  

But with just one of my kids its another thing.  I can take my time and the stress level isn't so high.  Yes, that only child will ask for something and want to touch something they really shouldn't.  But in this case I don't have three kids all saying it and trying to run off in three different directions.  

Usually I just my trips with a single child in tow is to do some errands like going to the library, to the mall, or something like that.  But those are some of my favorite one-on-one time with my kids.  It is always during those times I get to teach some things I don't always get a chance while I have all three with me.  

With Dare-Devil Boy he likes to come with me to the library.  When we are there I use the time to teach him how to look up books on the computer that he might be wanting to get.  On our most resent trips to the library I've been teaching him how to play chess.  Which has been an interesting experience.  He does okay for a 8 year old.  

Dare-Devil Boy taking time to be Captain America while in Walmart.

With Wonder Girl she likes to shop like any other girl, but lots of the time she thinks that its a great time to perform her one girl show for me.  She likes to run around the store collecting things here and there that she can wear.  Then stop me to show off her current costume.  A pictures of a few of my favorite creations  below.  

Wonder Girl's old lady look.

 Her Rock Star look.

 Wonder Girl playing outlaws.

All in all these are the times my kids love the most.  They remember those times I drag them to the mall to get shoes or to Best Buy cause I need to get something.  They get the chance to play demo games with me, look at the latest TVs or end up breaking out in a dance in the middle of the toy store.  I treasure these times.  I know that I can't last forever.  Because one day they will be teenagers and won't want to "hang out" with mom.  So I'm going to take advantage of those moments with I can.

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