Last week was our first offically start of the school year. How did it go? A lot better then I thought it would.
Wonder Girls started Kindergarten this year. She did very well the first week of school. Really better then I thought she would. She enjoyed herself and we both had fun learning her alphabets. I found that she can do some of the work without my help, which in turn was great. It meant that I could wash the dishes and do a loaad of laundry while she worked.
Here is Wonder Girl hard at work practicing her handwriting skills.
Wonder Girl made a friend to help her with her school. She loves to draw random faces and people. I find her drawings that she done (on paper) hidden all over the house. All are different people with different names, that do different jobs. Not sure what this one's job is. I forgot to ask.
Meanwhile, as Wonder Girl was busy writing letters and shapes, Dare_Devil Boy went into perch himself on his bed to do school. This year Dare-Devil Boys has become more independent with is school work. He manages to most of his school work without me there and with very little help.
How does that happen you ask? Well in our homeschool house I've set up a kind of work binder that each child has. In the binder there are 5 folders that are labeled Day 1- Day 5. Each fold holds only one day's worth of work. WIth Dare-Devil Boy he has a schedule with all the work that he's gotta do for the week. Mind you there are some school stuff that he's got that he does to with me. Mainly History, Science, Bible and our Art/Music Study. All this is as a group with Wonder Girl and sometimes Hondo listening in. I'll make a seperate post one day one our schooling system.
Anyway here is Dare-Devil Boy doing his school on his own.
I even managed to do some fun coloring/drawing with Hondo. Here he is hard at work.
Here is what I caught Hondo doing later when I was busy with the other two. He got a hold of a banana and a toy knife. He started to cut up the banana and eat it. That was why he was so quite while I was reading to the others.
One thing I've started to do on the first day of school is pack lunches. We have several lunch boxes around the house. All were given to the kids by family and most are never actually used as lunch boxes. 2 of them are used to carry both Wonder Girl and Dare-Devil Boy's AWANA's books, bible and any odd papers they collect for church. The others are used by the kids to tote toys, as briefcases when they are playing, and who knows what else they think of. But a few are used saved to carry food in.
Here are the my super heroes eating there lunches.